OH, MY GOODNESS! It’s been over a month since I last blogged, which is way too long! I guess that is a reflection as to how crazy things have been! The month of May has flown by! It’s been such a fun month, filled with milestones and major accomplishments.

Cinco de Mayo Bridal Shower Festivities
On May 5, my family and friends threw me an awesome Cinco de Mayo themed bridal shower, filled with lots of yummy Mexican food and sangria. It was such a fun time to get together with family, friends and celebrate Derek and I’s upcoming nuptials. That same night, my closest friends and I went out to Annapolis for my local bachelorette party. We did a paint night, which was super fun, low key and a perfect ending to a very exciting day!

Paint Night Bachelorette Party
On May 19, I graduated with my master’s degree from Loyola University Maryland. After three years of working full-time and pursuing my graduate degree, I was so relieved to walk across that stage and receive my degree.
On May 25, Derek and I went to the courthouse to get our marriage license. It’s so surreal that in just four days we will be married! Amidst all the craziness and excitement in May, I’ve also taken some time to reflect on my life as a “Miss.”
I’ve been very fortunate over the last 27 years. I come from a very loving and supporting family. They have supported me in all my endeavors and continue to do so every day. As I grew up, they have been there along the way as I discovered my passions, dancing, performing, writing, cooking, baking and education. Their unwavering love and support has been a constant force in motivating me to continue to grow each day of my life.
As a “Miss”, I’ve had the opportunity to receive a wonderful education. I attended college and discovered my love for marketing and communications. I joined Tri Delta, where I met some of my best friends and was able to grow as a leader. I also had the opportunity to intern for The Walt Disney Company and participated in the Disney College Program, which had been a dream of mine forever.

My best friend, sorority sister and maid of honor. Sarah and I met at Towson University and she was my little sister in Tri Delta.
After college, I met my best friend and almost husband Derek. Shortly after, I got my first “Big Girl Job” in marketing at a major healthcare institution. And in the last four years of our relationship, I feel like I’ve done it all! I successfully completed my master’s degree, we bought a house, started new business ventures and got new jobs. I continued to do the things that I love most, dancing, performing, cooking and I launched Stress Less, Cook More.
And of course, life is not perfect and it’s not sunshine and rainbows all the time. In my lifetime, I’ve had my fair share of challenges, faced heart break, hardships and individuals who have hurt me, treated me unfairly or hurt other’s that I love. But without those challenges, I wouldn’t be who I am today. They have made me stronger and I am so thankful for every experience, whether good or bad.
Most importantly, in the last 27 years I’ve come to love myself. I am proud of who I am today and all that I have accomplished. I’m a true believer that you must love yourself first, before you can truly and deeply love someone else. I am beyond grateful for my friends, family and Derek, the people that I get to walk through life with, who have helped to shape who I am. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Because of you, I’ve grown to love myself and because of that I know that I’m ready for my next big adventure, marriage!
I am confident that Derek and I’s marriage will be successful, one filled with lots of laughter, accomplishments and lots of love. As I transition from “Miss” to “Mrs.”, I am very hopeful for the future and all that it will bring. Here’s to happily ever after and all of our dreams coming true! See ya at the alter Derek! Cheers!